Xing Lin

2D illustration, environment design, and compositing

Translating a video game to stage is quite a task but the production design of Zombie Thoughts was impressive for the seamless integration of digital and physical elements that created an engaging immersive world. The set design by Isabella Andronos incorporated a pyramid of Mine Craft style boxes from which zombie hands burst forth while the lighting design by Jasmine Rizk used led strips and ground lighting to play with shadow and smoke to build out a full world. But it wouldn’t be a video game without the pixelated lo-fi stylings of the 90s as represented in Xing Lin’s animated projections which illustrated the virtual aspects of Sam and Pig’s exploits. Combined with David Bergman’s sound design, the nostalgic video game aesthetic was great fun and really added to the encompassing atmosphere of the production. - NIGHT WRITES Sydney theatre reviews, 2021
The design team (Isabella Andronos, Jasmine Rizk, David Bergman, Xing Lin and Jessie Singh) all work cohesively to stimulate the imagination, plunging the audience right into the heart of a video game. From panels that light up when the players jump on them, to secret pockets in the set that zombie hands come out of, to eye-catching projections reminiscent of a nostalgic Game Boy game. Each moment is crafted to maintain the magic, with one particular moment capturing the audience - bubbles fell from the ceiling and spread across the audience, and people were waving their arms around to catch one. It’s a visual delight from start to finish. - ROSIE NIVENS Theatre Travels, 2021

Zombie Thoughts, dir. Warwick Doddrell, 2021

2D Animation Showreel

The Continent

Pitch bible for a proposed animated adventure series "The Continent". I was in charge of world building, environment design, background illustration, and final compositing.

Australian Railway History

Volunteer cover illustrations for two issues of "Australian Railway History", the official bulletin of the Australian Railway Historical Society (ARHS).

Personal Work

Fictional worlds, drawn traditionally in ink.

Pixel art, drawn in Microsoft Paint.

Drawings and Diagrams

Personal work, including vector diagrams of the Sydney rail network in various styles.

Architectural Renderings

Photomontage - Photoshop Process


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